Monday, August 27, 2007

Who's Your Daddy?

When Ali was born one of the first things I said to him was, "Well, you don't look like me or your daddy." His hair was dark and so were his eyes, which were also a little slanted, as if Asian in decent. I would say to him, " Baby, I know your mine cause I gave birth to you." I guess my expectation was that he would come out looking just like Greg, with flaming red hair and a devilish grin. But over the past 2 weeks he has grown more and more to look like a Perkins. Here are some pics to demonstrate.


Anonymous said...

holy looks like this boy is ready for a face-out ride in the bjorn. his head control is amazing for 2 weeks! if you aren't clear what face-out in the bjorn means, i can demonstrate for you. the bean loved traveling this way from 2-6 months.

Anonymous said...

a-door-able =]]