After 36 hours of labor (24 w/o pain meds) little Alistair James Perkins joined us in the world at 5:46am on Thursday August 9th 2007. He has already proven himself to be a champion breastfeeder (and hopefully a champion sleeper soon). We are so in love! (and a little sleep deprived) Stay tuned for more updates on the first few days of Ali's life. Love, Kate and Greg.
Congratulations!! I'm so happy for you! The three of you sound so happy, and, Kate, you look so radiant and beautiful!!
What a great blog you have started! The pictures are fantastic, and you are both excellent writers. Thanks for sharing!
with love,
Wow! What a beautiful boy! I simply adore the picture of Alistair on his tummy -- amazing baby & fantastic photography! You look so beautiful, too, Kate. I'm really so very happy for all three of you. 36 hours, though, huh? Man!
Welcome to the world, little one! Happy Birthday!
congatulations dear heart. your baby is finally here... now the ride REALLY begins! sleep? who needs sleep? hehe.
mad luv,
melissa prellwitz
congratulations! good job kate! good job greg!
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