Well, we have successfully survived the first week of parenthood! I have to say that aside from the fact that I want to weep every time I think of the enormity of my love for this baby and a constant postpartum throb in the bum, this new baby deal is not as hard as I thought. We thankfully have a child who does a four hour sleep shift from around 10pm to 2am, nurses for an hour and then does another sleep shift from 3am to 7am. He's been an angel so far. However, he does have a little condition called infantile stridor which is a loud chirping noise he makes upon inhalation, caused by extra laryngeal folds in the neck. To learn more about it go to http://www.healthsystem.virginia.edu/uvahealth/peds_respire/conlaryn.cfm . The doc said he most likely will out grow the stridor by the time he is 6 months but Greg and I have been hyper vigilant when he is napping, making sure he is still breathing (this is not at the request of the doctor but from our sheer desire as new parents to take the greatest care with our new little being.
We had some really wonderful visits from relatives this week. Greg's Dad, stepmom, brother, stepdaughter, mother, 2 sisters, nieces and aunt came to see Ali. And my sister and her husband and their 2 daughters came too. My sister, Lisa was at the birth and an incredible support for Greg and I. To read about her experience of Ali's birth you can check out her blog at http://www.bijousimone.blogspot.com . It's pretty humorus I think.
1.) Cousin Ashley, Sister Kristina and Ali.
2.) Uncle Dave and Ali.
3.) Grandpa Jim and Ali.
4.) Grandpa Jerry and Ali.
5.) Baby Ali.
6.) Auntie Heather and Ali.
7.) Daddy, Ali and Grandma Honey.
8.) Cousin Kennedy and Ali.
9.) Auntie Lisa, cousin Bijou and little Ali.
10.) Ali's first outing...downtown La Selva.
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