Thursday, September 18, 2008

Cookies for Breakfast

For Alistair 13 months is starting to look like 2 years. He is becoming increasingly willful and boundry testing by the day and this morning was a testimony to that when I let him have Bunny Grahms for breakfast. Over the past week he hasn't wanted to eat anything in the morning. I tried all his old favorites: strawberry yogurt, oatmeal with cinnamon, scrambled eggs, bananna, tofu dog. But all he wants to do is scream in agony as the spoon comes toward his mouth or drop his food piece by piece on the ground. This morning we are suppose to have playtime at the park with his friend Liam and so I was determined to get something more than milk into his belly. You can tell from the smiles that he is feeling triumphant.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've given up the battle. I feel like I horrible parent sending The Bean off to school 4 out of 5 mornings a week with no breakfast, but she says she's not hungry. As long as it doesn't look like the kid is starving themselves, don't sweat it. And I know my little monkey boy could survive on a deserted island living on the fat he has stored in his thighs, for at least a month. Wouldn't you say?