We took Ali to his first baseball game last night. Greg's friend Steve had scored club level seats right behind home plate so how could we say no? Ali did real good and hung in until the 7th inning at which point he promptly let us know he had had enough. That was fine with us since it was 9:30 and we knew there was a drive ahead of us. At guest services they gave us a certificate that said "Baby's first Game" and printed his name on it. It was so cute. And as we left the park a black man on the corner playing saxaphone went into his own jazzy version of rock-a-bye-baby as we carried our sleeping baby through the city night.
He has a social security number and one Giant's game under his belt, Ali is officially and American kid.
That picture is so cute and will be very memorable (if only because of the picture) for Ali.
Oh he's so so so so cute!!!!!
W Giants!!!
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