Uncle Matt came for a visit on Monday. I was worried that Alistair and I would not be very interesting company for him. Our day consists breastfeeding, cleaning the house, watching daytime television and if we're lucky, going for a walk. On Monday we were lucky, we got to get a walk in. While on our walk Uncle Matt pointed out that another pedestrian was staring at us. I realized it was a certain aquaintance of mine (who shall remain nameless). She obviously recognized me but I felt compelled not to address her due to a strange conversation I recalled having with her before Ali was born. (Funny how as a new mom a fierce and protective tigress is born within us and is fearless to do battle with anyone who is a perceived threat to our child.)
Aquaintance: "Kate, I didn't know you were pregnant."
Me thinking:
How could she? This is not a person I ever call, email or even think about, just a person I happen to know in passing.
Me: " Oh."
Aquaintance: "Do you know if it's a boy or girl?"
Me: "A boy."
Aquaintance: "Yes. More boys are always born in times of war."
Me thinking:
We have been in war for awhile now and just a few years ago everyone was having girls, there is no relevance here.
Me: "Huh. That's interesting."
Aquaintance: "Well hopefully you raise him to be a spiritual warrior."
Me thinking:
It is really none of your business how I raise him.
Me: "Hmmm."
Aquaintance: "Are you still with the same partner?"
Me thinking:
What the hell is this lady talking about? Same partner since when? If she is reffering to when I may have met her for the first time in graduate school 5 years ago then no, but I did not have a "partner" then. And the way she used the word "partner" struck me that perhaps she could not recall whether I was gay or straight.
Me: "Uh, no?"
Aquaintance: "Everything always happens for a reason."
Me thinking:
Then what is the reason for this conversation?
Me: "Uh-huh."
Upon realizing she was not getting the reciprocation she was fishing for my aquaintance friend decided to wrap it up.
Aquaintaince: "Okay well, it was SOOOOOOOO good to see you. Take care and be well and I hope that you have a speedy delivery."
Me: "Thanks."