Sunday, March 15, 2009

James and the B-Man

This morning Alistair wanted to play blocks. Normally this is an activity he shares with Dad, but this morning Dad was "sleeping in" so I joined him in his room for BLOCKS. He had constructed two figures, one was short and stumpy with one leg and the other was tall and lanky with the neck of a giraffe (picture would have been provided if our camera hadn't broken).

I asked him what the name of the tall lanky one was and he said "James!" It surprised me that he came up with this on his own. James is his middle name but we never use it in context. So I asked him what the short stumpy one was called and he said "B-man." (something else he came up with on his own). And then we proceeded to play. I did the voice of B-man and he did the voice of James and they had a full conversation of what they were going to do.....which was go to the park.

I was so happy my child could play make believe with me!

Friday, March 6, 2009

Dancing Fool