The new year has brought on a slew of new intrests/obsessions for Alistair. At 17 months here are some of the things he says, does, loves.
1.) Dancing. He could be asleep in my arms while I am watching a show and the jingle of a comercial comes on. He opens his eyes, smiles and starts wiggling his body to the music. When the comercial ends he falls right back asleep. It's kind of crazy.
2.) Elmo or "Emmo". We have to see "Elmo in Grouchland" at least twice a day right now.
3.)Poop. And no, he's not doing it in the toilet. He just loves to say the word. He will sniff his feet and declare "Poop!"
4.)Baby. He got a little doll for christmas and he loves to role play with her. Baby takes naps in the crib and gets snuggles from Alistair. But I had to draw the line the other day when he wanted me to breastfeed baby.
5.) The ABC's. He can't quite recite them yet. He can say A B C D and then it crecendos into a melange of sounds that couldn't really be called letters. But what I think is the cutest thing is he tries to do the hand signs for the letters too just like he sees on "Signing Time".