WE have been SOOOO busy this Holiday, I haven't had time to post everything we have been up to. December is a big month for us....Greg and I officially celebrated 1 year of marriage with a trip up to San Francisco over night (sans bebe) and visited the new Academy of Sciences Natural History Museum. It's awesome, I highly recommend it for all ages.
Union Square was bustling with tourists and shoppers but Greg and I took time out to watch the street performers and get a Free Hug.
Alistair got a drum for Christmas, here is his first jam session:
Okay, so I am a little late with this post but it's been a busy month, what can I say. Wedding day was perfect. Perfect weather, beautiful people, yummy food and LOVE everywhere.
I think these pictures speak for themselves. But what I wasn't expecting was the nightmare I had last night where We were at our wedding reception and friends and relatives were passing Alistair around. My mom then comes over to me, holding a choking Alistair in her hands and says "I think he ate a toy." So I open his mouth and it's filled with rocks and toys and I start pulling things from his mouth and they just keep coming: toy cars, figurines, jawbreakers, and to top it off a giant glass sculpture of spiderman. He's still having trouble breathing so I have to perform CPR. The dream continued to go on, but I'll spare you my other neuroses.
My mom has been waiting for me to get interested in movie watching. Although previously a controversial subject among new parents......Tv or not Tv! I have just been too interested in the world around me to sit long enough for a show. But the other day my mom put on "Finding Nemo" , converted my little box car into a comfy TV watching chair and gave me some veggie puffs. I was stoked, and to her surprise I watched the first 20 minutes of the show!