Halloween was waaaaaaay more mellow than I was hoping. We had plans man, big plans. There were parties to go to, pumpkins to carve, babies to dress up, masks to put on. But alas when the day was done, so were we. I carved our pumpkin and we roasted seeds and stayed in and watched Halloween II, III & IV on Tv.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Halloween was waaaaaaay more mellow than I was hoping. We had plans man, big plans. There were parties to go to, pumpkins to carve, babies to dress up, masks to put on. But alas when the day was done, so were we. I carved our pumpkin and we roasted seeds and stayed in and watched Halloween II, III & IV on Tv.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
The Play Group
Well life really does come full circle. Today Alistair and I went to our first play date with the other moms and babies and dads and siblings of what I'm hoping will become a life long group of friends who's kids get to grow up together. My mom belonged to a play group when we were small and although none of us kids remained friends, she still gets together with those moms once every few months and they are still a great support for each other through life. Everyone I met today I thought was awesome and I'm excited to see how things are going to develope. The babies, in chronological order are: Logan, Jack, Luci, Henry and Alistair. But there were other kids there; Charlie who is one and a little girl who's name I never learned was also one and Stella and Boone who were probably four or five. I'm not sure how that all works out now. But I do know this. A few months ago, right after Ali was born, I had a very strong thought. I wanted to invite a group of really great people to share life with Greg and Ali and I and today when I got home and downloaded the pics, I saw the one of the group and thought, wow, these are those people.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
dream babies
We had a couple of "firsts" in the past week. Alistair can now reach and grab for things, he can also roll over and back again. I didn't believe Mimi when she told me that he had done this while she was watching him. Perhaps because like all parents you want to be there to witness your baby's firsts. But lo and behold, this morning when we were playing on the bed he performed the said feat.
Pumpkin Patch
In general Alistair has become a lot easier to go on outings with as he has gotten older. And I was so excited for our trip to the pumpkin patch. This is his first Halloween and I couldn't wait to get some shots of him in front of his pupmkin at the patch. Unfortunately he cried the whole time. My sister snapped a few gratuity photos to document his misery and said to me, "I had to learn that my child would not always be my dream baby." (refering to his cousin Bijou). So I am effectively letting go now of all future expectations and truely appreciating the times when he is a dream.
Saturday, October 13, 2007
What I do at 2
I turned 2 months on October 9th! At the doc I found out I am 13 and a half pounds and 24 inches long, I'm in the 80th percentile for height and weight for babies my age. But mom said the doc told her my head was in the 23rd percentile??? I don't think my head looks unusually small.
These days my favorite things are: looking at myself in the mirror that hangs on the mobile in my crib, Sunday mornings when both my parents are home to play with me, meeting new people (especially when they make conversation, I love to coo), going for walks on the beach with Mom in outward facing Bijorn, drooling, the boob, Dad talking to me in Brittish accents, and picture time. Here are some from my latest photo shoot.
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Back to Work
It's been awhile since I've had time to do a post. This is because I went back to work this week and there are pros and cons to this fact. The pros are that I get to have adult conversations on a regular basis again, I get a break from Ali which causes me to miss him even more making our time together even more special, and he gets to have quality time with his caregivers, Mimi, Auntie Lisa and Cousin Bijou.
I was pleasantly surprised on Monday when his day with Bijou and Auntie Lisa went so smoothly. Lisa said he didn't cry once. His little temperment is still unpredictable from day to day so I of course feared he would be fussy, but he was an angel. Go Ali!
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